Planning for Our Film "Among Them"

We plan to title our movie "Among Us".  It will be about a group of friends either in the woods or an abandoned building that has a killer among them and they must find out who it is before they all die. I say it will either be in an abandoned building or the woods because we are not sure yet.  Preferably, my group and I would like to film in an abandoned building.  But, it is hard to find one.  Last year, Nicholas and Grant wanted to film their movie introduction in an abandoned building, but the area they live in has no unused, abandoned buildings. We considered using one of our homes as the building but, it would be too difficult to change a house to have the look of an abandoned building.  The alternative is filming in the woods.  Last year, they used the trees in a park near them to make it look like the movie was in the woods.  The park is Markham Park and it has a lot of space to film. Most likely, we will end up using it as the setting again.  

The script needs to have multiple actors.  The amount of actors required is more than the number of people in our group.  So, we will need more people to help us act.  We will recruit the help of some of our classmates to act in our film.  This is beneficial to both of us because we will also act in his film.  

Our plans are still not set in stone.  Many things are subject to change.  However, we have a much better idea of what we want to do than we did a couple of weeks ago.  The script, in particular, has come a long way.  We still have a few unique ideas that we can incorporate.  Those ideas will make the whole process slower and more difficult, but it might be worth it in the end.  We are very excited to really get this project underway and make a short film.


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