Intro Blog to AICE Media Studies A Level
My name is Carl Henri Backer. I am a high school senior, and I attend Fort Lauderdale High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I took AICE Media Studies AS-Level last school year and decided to take A-Level because I enjoyed the class very much. I really liked filming and learning about the things that must happen behind the scenes. I am interested in doing a more in-depth film project this year. This year, unlike last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I will be able to work with my friends that chose to take A level Media Studies. Since I love watching movies, learning about film production in AICE Media Studies was very appealing. I have found it fun to learn about the different camera angles and editing practices so far, and I am excited to begin creating films due to the greater levels of creative freedom there are in A-Level Media Studies compared to AS-Level.
What I have learned so far in AICE Media Studies are different film terms and what they look like in real life application; these include different types of camera shots, types of sounds, and editing methods.
My favorite movies are The Matrix movies. I enjoyed Django Unchained as well. The Matrix has a highly interested plot that still affects pop culture today (red pill/blue pill). It was one of the first films to include such a heavy about of CGI and this CGI still holds surprisingly well today. I also enjoyed Django Unchained because it had great story telling. The story unfolded very smoothly and the ended was satisfying.
I have heard that the AICE Media Studies film project requires editing which I am very familiar with. I'll most likely be an editor and writer for my upcoming film because I am not too fond of acting, though I wouldn't mind participating as an actor if necessary.
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