Production Blog: Accepting Advice

Unmotivated people benefit more from giving advice than receiving it

 Production Blog: Accepting Advice

Due to the fact that I am working this project alone, from an academic standpoint, I received little direct feedback during production of the film. Working as both director and producer, my visions and ideas were not really questioned during filming. While editing, I am working completely alone because of my parents' lack of familiarity with video editing as a whole. I consider this a disadvantage because of the simple fact that there are wonderful ideas and beneficial input that others can provide that I could not come up with on my own accord. Therefore I set aside the past couple of days to gather some input strictly from participants within the film's production. I am now in the later stages of post-production and believe this is the key time to gather extraneous input before I finalize my film. I can gather even more input, some from individuals not part of production, when the film is seen through for the first time. First off I gathered input from my actors. I asked each actor about what they thought about their own scenes that  I had finished editing. The actor that played Carl's friend said that he thinks that each scene with dialogue between Carl and his character should be leveled the same way. The scenes between the two were shot with medium two shots primarily, but they were noticeably not at the same height level in each shot. I will be adjusting this, along with other input, while I continue to edit and  tweak my film. The actor that played the scout didn't have many critiques, he only wanted there to be more shots of the character's faces. For the closeup shots I zoomed in using my video editing soft, when it was applicable and I tightened some of the wider two shots. I also asked my camerawoman what she thought, but she didn't have any input. I will adjust the the clips based on the input that I got further and see what I think for myself. After this I will be tweaking the audio in my film. I will be working with it to add effects to it and adjust it based on the scene/sequence. When it comes to the audio, I am in the same situation as the animation in the sense that I may have to switch editing software for similar reasons as the animation. I'm sure I'll figure it out! Til my next entry!


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