Production Blog: Finalizing a Date, Waiting on Confirmation, and Preparing to Edit

How Does Film Editing Work? - Central Casting

 Production Blog:

I was very adamant on completing all the shooting for my film as quickly as possible, but this wont be the case. Unfortunately, a close relative of one of my actors contracted Coivd-19. He contracted it just prior to the second film session, but was released from the hospital recently. My actor can't film the retakes at this time. I definitely understand the circumstance and will be working around the issue. I expected to have some more active time while I wait for some email confirmations to be sent, but I can still manage. Fortunately, I have more than enough footage to begin the editing process. At the very least, I cam create a layout for the major editing I will have to do in the future. The scenes I have may not be finalized but the incomplete ones can still serve as placeholders for the perfected shots. I will be using Sony Vegas Pro 15 to edit my film. Though I am currently in a class learning to use Adobe Premiere Pro, I am not yet comfortable enough with it to match the same level of efficiency that I.would have with Vegas Pro. I began by laying out the footage in their proper order unto the timeline. Then, I shortened the clips into their proper length by cutting out parts of the footage that would not be going into the film. I added some simple transitions such as crossfades so that the film would look proper, though I will be adding more detailed transitions later on. Once I was done with this, I had a pretty good idea of how the film would turn out. I can see that there is excess footage that I am going to need to cut out, but I will work on those excess clips once I have completely finished my shooting. I am glad that I began setting the foundation for the editing process early because I now have less work and less thinking to do when I actually begin editing the entire film. The film is beginning to come to life!


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