Title Research: Little Women ('94)
*opening sequences watched at artofthetitle.com*
What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
The names of the lead actors are displayed first, then the "Little Women" title is displayed. Following the name of the movie, the names of supporting actors are displayed, then the producers' and directors' names are displayed.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
Still images of a woman reading, flowers, an open book, and a woman writing. There is also an overview of a snowy town, whos residents are setting up wreaths on their doors and dragging Christmas trees to their homes.
What connotations do these images carry?
These images give off a feminine connotation in regards to the still animations at the start of the opening sequence. The snowy setting and wreath placing/tree gathering also gives the impression that it is the Christmas season. Both of these individual things put together create a traditional feeling that can only be described as "family". The traditional social role of women is that of the lady of the house, taking care of the family, being focused on children and their happiness. Coupled with the Christmas atmosphere, which is a family orientated holiday, this theme is progressed even further.
How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
Immediately, the film shows that it is truly family oriented. The starring family is close knit and has good relations with each other. The film begins with the family gathering around a letter from the man of the father of the household regarding his travels in the Civil War. It is clear that the four sisters, as well as the mother, deeply care for their father, and husband, respectively. In typical dramatic faction it is made clear that the family is not perfect and that a piece if missing. The opening sequence introduces the absence of Mr. March as a point of conflict in the near future.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The film's target audience would be the entire familial unit, from youngest child, to the grandparents. The movie includes plenty of singing because music is the true connector of all eras, and it also is free of mature language and themes. Even if you aren't not apart of a large family, the film still aims to get the same relation and feeling of warm out of you, by displaying typical affectionate actions between people.
How has technology been used effectively?
The wide shot is typically used in an effort to capture all four sisters, who are rarely apart. The close up shot is used to capture intimate familial moments between the mother and her daughters, and between sisters. The camera pan is also used quite often to simulate the viewer being present in the scene; the pans are typically done around eye level so that they viewer can imagine themselves being among the family.
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