Title Research: Art of the Title Website
I am using the Art of the Title website to gain more in depth insight on the art of title making through analysis on famous Hollywood titles. I saw articles that broke down titles from one specific movie, articles that cover the best titles from specific years, as well as articles that cover titles from entire series' of movies. The website has a wide variety of titles to analyze. This website even allows you to find articles of titles done by specific designers and studios in order for the user to have the ability to study specific styles of titles. I am utilizing this platform to research successful titles and different styles in order to prepare myself to create the best titles that I can for my own film that I am in the process of creating. Titles will be crucial in the creation of a legitimate opening sequence to my film, thus I want to make sure that I learn from established designers and titles. The articles address the potential themes that the designers and studios are trying to convey through their titles. The subliminal and complex are explored on this site. Doing research through this platform has made me aware that titles are not as shallow and one dimensional as I had previously thought, they can truly be utilized to convey a message to an audience, and they can hold complex meanings.
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