Genre Research: Horror

    For my first piece of research done on genre, I have a research project done of the horror genre completed last semester. The point of this project was to educate the individual completing it on a genre; specifically the conventions within a genre. The project was focused on the general overall genres, rather than very specific sub-genres. I chose to do the horror genre when I began this project. As I don't know the genre I will be going for in my upcoming project, this will be a valuable resource to help me make a decision. Within the presentation, I identified many properties of a horror film. First and foremost, I found a true definition for what a horror film is; beforehand my definition of a horror film was simply a scary movie. Now I am aware that a horror film is one that seeks to elicit fear in its audience, for entertainment purposes. Then I highlighted the common camera angles, camera movements, and lighting used within horror movies to execute their intended affect, which is to illicit fear from the audience. For example, low-key lighting is very commonly used in horror films to create a more eerie setting and make villains look more menacing. I also discussed the different mis-en-scene elements that are commonly found in horror moves, such as costumes and makeup which are typically used to create jarring or frightening appearances. Sound was also discussed in this presentation. Sound is a very crucial part in horror movies; sound can illicit fear on its own and coupled with other elements, very frightening effects can be created. Sound motif was one type of sound in horror movies that was discussed. Antagonists in horror films typically have a reoccurring theme that lets the viewers know that they are near or about to enter a scene. This project obviously gave me a better understanding of the horror genre, but it also gave me some insight into genres themselves. Before doing this project, I did not realize the very specific and common things that happen within certain films within certain genres. These elements are what makes a film the genre that it is. This research truly enlightened me on the horror genre and genres in general.


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