Genre Decision Blog
In my decision in what my genre my opening sequence would be, I went back and forth quite a bit. I settled on two genres, drama and comedy, but I settled on just one. I am choosing to make the opening sequence of my film a drama for a multitude of reasons. I want my film to be heavily focused on the leading character and his internal struggles as well as his external obstacles. This film does not have to be overly serious however I do want there to be a primary focus on the main character as opposed to a team like in a film in the Sport genre. In the drama genre, conflict is a driving force to every story line, and the characters themselves push the story forward with their actions or lack there of. Drama films are supposed to be "real" and they're supposed to capture events in such a way that one could imagine themselves within the shoes of the main character quite simply. I want my character's journey towards a successful basketball career to feel genuine. If I chose to make my film a comedy, I felt that I would have to sacrifice either some of the story to fit in jokes, or I would have to take away from the seriousness of my character's aspirations.
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