Editing Recap Blog 1: Syncing, Trimming, and Adjusting

 Editing Recap Blog: Music Video 

I used Sony Vegas Pro 14 to edit my music video this time around. This is the video editing program that I am used to, most comfortable with, and have the most experience editing with. The editing process with my music video began with me selecting the best footage to begin working on. The footage I chose was clearly the most superior out of the footage that I had, and I placed it into Sony Vegas to begin editing. 

The very first thing I did was remove the audio from the recording and insert the music (Brenda's Got a Baby - Tupac Shakur) to replace it. I then had to sync the song with the footage so that my lips synced up with the lyrics. Thankfully, there was no need for speeding up, or slowing down the footage. While filming, I had the song playing from the exact spot where I knew the video would begin, so I could recite the lyrics with the same cadence and rhythm as the artist. Once I had this done, I linked the audio and video together. 

After this, I had to trim the beginning and the end of the video a bit, down to the one minute mark. The raw footage was about one-minute, and twenty-two seconds, but I got it down to a minute without needing to a sacrifice anything major. Because my video was done in one take, there weren't any cuts or further trimming to be made. The footage did have some shakiness to it, however I dealt with this by making the frame of the video a bit smaller. After doing this, the shaking was not really noticeable. I could not completely remove it, but it added more to the video than it took away, from my perspective. The shaking became more of a sway after editing and I feel as though it made the video a bit more personal in a way.

I definitely prefer the slight swaying and motion of the camera rather than a perfectly static camera, it makes the viewer seem like they are really watching a conversation happen. The perspective of the camera makes the watcher seem like they are walking ahead of the two characters and observing their conversation, and the swaying definitely helps to aid in this feeling of walking ahead of people. I truly enjoyed this portion of the editing process; it was not stressful and everything went smoothly! 


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