Research Blog: Commercial Conventions

I have chosen to do a Glaceau Smartwater commercial for this project. Smartwater is a brand of bottled water owned by the Coco-Cola company. Smartwater commercials vary, but typically Smartwater is the solution to a problem or a necessity in a particular situation. Being a bottled water brand, their commercials can be a more broad due to the product not being associated with anything vey specific. 

- There is no highly common type of costume found in Smartwater commercials, typically the actors' attire changes depending on the scene. If there is sporting event, the actors may wear sporting attire, but if the scene is more casual the actors dress accordingly. 

- Props include anything that is a part of the scene, but a Smartwater bottle is always involved in the commercial somehow. The Smartwater bottle is usually the only major prop within the scene as not to diverge attention away from the product. 

- The appearance of the actors can vary, but they are always in an upbeat mood once the Smartwater is introduced. Actors are never shown as unhappy or sad past the point where the Smartwater is introduced to the scene, if they expressed that behavior before. 

- The score within these commercials is typically upbeat or laid back. It is never melancholy or creepy or anything of that sort. Smartwater as a brand associate the water with joy and happiness. 

1. Conventions within Smartwater commercials include mentioning the "crisp taste", "electrolyte filled", or "mineral filled" qualities of Smartwater. These aspects are always mentioned in some way, shape, or form and make the consumer aware of both the refreshing taste and health benefits of Smartwater. 

2. As in all forms of advertising, Smartwater always displays their product on full display. Making sure to show the logo and the product as a whole in its entirety is a convention of Smartwater commercials. 

3. These commercials also do include ethos in the form of well-known individuals and Hollywood celebrities in order to sway the consumer with people that they may trust or idolize. 

4. Smartwater does not have a set in stone 'slogan', per say, but they do have a line or phrase that they align with the theme of the commercial. Smartwater does not have a universal slogan that is associated with their brand, though you'd think they'd have one that has something to do with intelligence. 


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